Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Silly Willie

Heeeeeerrrrre's Curry:

"My brother Willie is a physical comedian.  I know, lots of us cats are good at physical comedy.  Actually, I don't do physical comedy, but that's by choice.  I don't think Willie has a choice.  He's just a big goof.  I mean, what kind of cat lets himself be dressed up as a cowboy?  That's Willie, all right.

Willie boy came to live with us about a year ago.  My 'uncle' John rescues a lot of cats and Willie was a stray.  He was a gangly boy in his awkward teenage phase when he came home.  He was weird immediately.  I really wasn't sure what to make of him because at first he was mean to Zorro, then he was mean to me.  Now he's only mean to me when he thinks he's protecting Grayson.  Willie gets along great with both Zorro and Grayson.  They are the Three Catsketeers.  I am Milady-Cat to them.  But I digress....

Willie is a klutz, plain and simple.  I've never seen a more physically inept specimen of felinity.  He tries to jump onto the bathroom vanity and completely misses!  This is an easy jump for most cats, especially young, fit cats like Willie.  He doesn't always miss, but when he does it's kinda funny.  Then there's Willie's drinking habit.  Like all of us, Willie loves to drink in the bathroom sink when our mom turns the faucet on just a trickle.  Even baby Grayson is adept at drinking from the stream of water without getting wet.  Not Willie.  He puts his whole head under the water and then drinks the run-off that flows from the top of his head.  What a weirdo!  He will sit there in the sink drinking for five minutes, getting soaking wet.  Then he shakes his head to dry it, and the entire bathroom, and anyone in it, gets a shower.  What a dork.  And THEN, there's Willie's running outside the apartment door.  He only started doing this recently.  Even though mom tries to block him, Willie slips out the door and runs down the hallway.  He stops after a few seconds and rolls over onto his back.  Just when mom almost catches up to him, he gets up and shoots down the hallway again.  This process repeats until Willie gets tired (not likely) or he reaches the end of the long, long hallway.  Sometimes Willie encounters people in the hall, and a couple times he's faced off with another cat.  Nothing fazes him.  What a freak I have for a brother."

Well, Curry might think less of Willie's physical comedy, but I think it's cute.  He can barely move his body without being funny.  His run is a wobbly gambol.  His manner of play with Grayson is childlike and entertaining.  His sleeping positions are contorted and somtimes indecent.  But he's very confident and game for anything.  I dressed him in the cowboy costume for Halloween simply because I could.  He has no shame; he does not get embarassed.  Willie should probably be in show business.  So, are there any animal talent agents out there reading this blog?

1 comment:

  1. What a hoot! But I wouldn't recommend that Willie drink from the faucet while wearing the cowboy gear.


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