Monday, May 3, 2010

Cats are Supposed to be Nocturnal

"I think my brothers are in cahoots to keep my mom home from work.  Not only that, but to keep her from even getting out of bed.  Historically, we cats have been good nocturnal kids, choosing to be playful, snuggly, warm and happy in the evening.  This always worked out well because mom is a night owl too.  She's usually up late, so she can appreciate that we are also up late and are affectionate in the evenings.  Well, Willie and Grayson are changing the game.  (Grayson even does this thing where he ousts me from my corner of the bed, only to claim it, then leave five minutes later.)  Instead, the boys like to be social first thing in the morning.  There is a problem with this: first thing in the morning, most days, mom needs to get up and get ready for work.  She can't just stay in bed because the boys are being cute.  I know this, so I don't tempt her with my beauty and intelligence before work (see above: that's a picture of me being cute at night).

How do I get my brothers to get with the program?  They need to stop making mom snooze the alarm just so she can have a few extra minutes with them.  Today I overheard her say: 'It's really hard to get out of bed in the morning to begin with, let alone when 12 lbs of warm orange tabby is snuggled up to me...or when a gray kitten wants to be playful...or when a big black & white cat is serving as my foot warmer.  Curry...she loves me too, but she's not the one being such a morning cat.  She's more of a bedtime cat.'  At least mom recognizes that I'm not the problem.

So, this goes out to Zorro, Willie and Grayson (especially the latter two, who think they're being so cute in this photo): Cats are not 'morning people.'  Be affectionate and playful at night; don't tempt mom to snooze in the morning.  In fact, you dumb boys need to help me wake her up and beg for breakfast so she can roll out of bed and get moving.  If you make her miss work, don't cry when there's no paycheck to cover your kibble or support your catnip habit.  I swear, what is it with brothers?  They can be so dense."

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