Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wacko Human "Marries" his Cat

"I am all for love.  I am definitely for having love in your heart for members of another species.  After all, I love my mom very much and I know she loves me.  I have great affection for other humans as well.  And I think I could even love a dog as long as it knew that I was boss.  But I definitely think a certain man in Germany is way off base in "marrying" his cat.  If you haven't seen this news story click here.  I'll sum it up for you in the meantime.  German mailman (human) is sad about his dear Cecilia's (feline) poor health and wants to marry her before she dies.  He pays someone to officiate the fake wedding.  He dresses himself in a tux, and Cecilia in a white dress, for the nuptials.  He even has wedding guests.  It's just a farce, of course, because a human marrying a cat is illegal where he comes from.  Yeah, it's illegal because it's absurd!

I have my opinions, but usually I don't like to get into touchy issues in my blog.  In this case I'll make an exception.  I don't care if I alienate any of my readers, because if you disagree with me on this, then I'm not sure that we could be friends.  The bottom line is: cats and humans are not romantic partners!  As much as I could love a human, I would never, ever want to marry one!  And any human in their right mind would not want to marry me either!  It's just not kosher.  Not at all.  I feel sorry for Cecilia, being forced to marry against her will (it most certainly has to be against her will).  I also feel sorry for the mailman who obviously has a German screw loose. Sheesh.

This story brings me to another point.  Cats shouldn't even marry other cats.  Marriage is a human convention and is best done human to human (and I'll tell that to the wacky lady who thinks she married the Eiffel Tower).  You humans have your reasons for marriage, and I respect that.  I don't tell you which other humans you should or should not wed, and I'll expect you to respect my desire to remain unwed.  We cats don't need to conform to the human rituals that you so love.  We're fine just as we are, thank you very much.  But, we do love you."


  1. Oh Curry, another good post! I do agree that because marriage is supposed to be about romance, that this would be wrong. But I'll bet this guy's not thinking of it that way. Clearly he's confused but grief makes us do strange things. I feel sad for him as his grief must be heavy, as he's reaching out trying to make it all make sense somehow. I think the bottom line is that he doesn't want his beloved to be insignificant and he's willing to do anything to make sure she isn't. Of course you & I know better (hmm - I'm writing to a cat), but that doesn't mean everyone is able to think as clearly.

  2. Humans are much to quick to jump into marriage whether it be with another human, a cat or an inanimate object. They just don't consider the long-term consequences. I don't think that that is a mistake that a cat would make even if they were in favor of the institution. Dogs, maybe, but not cats.

    Another good blog, Curry. And I love the edgy photo at the top. It suits you.

  3. John, Curry appreciates that you're giving this guy the benefit of the doubt. You're a much bigger person than she.
    Ruth, Curry thanks you for the compliment on her photo, though I'm the one behind the controls in Photoshop.

  4. I don't know how to say this, but I married off my Sammy and Samantha cat when I was in the third grade. My great-grandma was there as a witness. I've moved on from that, though. I know it was silly at the time. Besides, Gabby and Lucas are like brother and sister and marrying the two would just be wrong! hehe. Cute posting Curry!

  5. Erin, your third grade marriage of your cats is excused! I recall trying to pin (yikes) or tie green things on my cats on St. Patty's when I was a kid. I also remember the time my brother sprayed the cat with cologne so he would smell good. What wonderful cats they were for forgiving us these transgressions (or did they?).


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