Saturday, May 29, 2010

Curry's on Vacation

Actually, that's not quite true. She isn't going anywhere. But I need to take a break from my duties as her blog secretary. She's not happy about this, believe me. Just like most cats, she likes to do what she wants, when she wants, and she doesn't like it when we humans stand in her way. I have just enough time to leave you with this message from Curry's own lips (and I've posted some of her baby pictures to amuse you as well):

"Thanks a LOT mom! Just when I start building up my readership, you need to go off the clock. I expect that you'll type extra fast to catch things up in June. Dear readers: this little blog hiatus really was not my idea. I'll miss you. Meows."

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Flying Grayson

Grayson gave me a scare the other night.  It was 12:30 AM and I was asleep.  I woke up to the sound of scuffling coming from the office.  I assumed it was just Grayson jumping to the top of the 6+ foot tall bookcase, which he had just recently proven capable of.  I saw him do it the night before.  Just like Curry does, he used my desk as a launch pad and flew 5 feet up to the top of the bookcase.  Once on top, it's fun for the cats because there are two bookcases set at a right angle in the corner, and an additional two along one wall, so it's kind of like a catwalk.  So, from my bed, I called out to Grayson to see if he was OK.  He heard me call him and meowed was actually more like a little cry.  I kept calling his name, expecting him to come to me.  He kept answering but the sound of his voice didn't get any closer.  I immediately knew what had happened, and I knew that I would be taking a little break from my slumber.  Curry saw the whole thing, so I'll let her describe the events of the wee hours.

"I have no shortage of pesky little brothers.  Grayson bugs me most of all because he is a copy cat.  He had been watching me jump to the top of the bookcases for weeks.  Finally, the other day did it on his own.  Now he is probably going to keep me away from my favorite spot, but I'll deal with that later.  Here's what happened the other night.  Grayson jumped down into the opening between the two corner bookcases.  It's less than 12 inches square, and the bookcases are more than 6' tall, so he was stuck.  I wish I could make fun of him for doing something so idiotic, but I can't.  Why not?  Because I did the same thing a few years ago.  I know, you're thinking, 'but Curry, you're such a smart cat...why on earth would you jump into a trap like that?'  Well, the answer is that curiosity got the best of me.  I slid down the side of the bookcase and was halfway down before I realized there was no way back up.  Unfortunately, I tried this when mom was not home, so she found me like that after I'd been down there a while.  How long?  I'll never tell.  So, Grayson followed in my footsteps, literally.  He did it in the dark too, but at least mom was home and knew that he was crying for a good reason.  She got out of bed as soon as she had figured it out.  She had to remove all the books from one of the bookcases, and slowly ease it away from the wall inch by inch to let Grayson out.  Here's a picture mom took once Grayson was free and inspected for injuries (there were none...we cats are pretty darn tough).

So, as much as I want to make fun of my little brother, I can't.  I know exactly why he did it.  And I also know that he's very unlikely to do it again.  Mom worried that I'd do it again, and started devising schemes to plug the hole, or to rearrange furniture.  It was unnecessary.  I was curious, but I'm not stupid.  To this day, I love to hang out on top of the bookcases, but I'll never jump into the corner again.  While I say that Grayson probably won't do it again, I know there's a slight chance that he will.  After all, he's still a crazy young thing and thinks he's invincible.  I guess I'll try to be a good big sister and look out for him.  I can tell you that he's copycatted me again: he has started reaching over the top and knocking books to the floor.  Nothing against books, but it's kinda fun to do.  I don't begrudge Grayson this pleasure either.  What is it that you humans always say about imitation and flattery?  OK, I'll try to appreciate my brother.  Sigh."

Monday, May 24, 2010

Mom Cheated on Me

"Yes, you heard me.  Mom spent some time with and showed some love to another Siamese cat!  I wouldn't care if it had been any other cat breed or mutt, but I'm supposed to be her special Siamese girl.  Imagine my seething rage when I saw this photo.  That's mom with Arthur.  I think he's a Flame Point because he's kinda reddish.  You don't see a lot of Siamese cats with his coloring, so I'm even more mad that mom got all lovey-dovey with 'special' Arthur.  And what business does a Siamese cat have being red, anyway?  I know we come in different colors, but red?  In case you're interested, I'm considered a Seal Point Siamese.  That means that my 'points' are dark brown and my body is light brown.  When I was a kitten I was even lighter, a creamy beige.  Mind you, I'm the first to admit that I'm not a pure-bred Siamese (I'm 3/4), but who cares?  I'm all Siamese in my heart!

So, I guess you want to know who Arthur is.  He belongs to my mom's friend Sherri.  Mom went all the way to Connecticut for Sherri's surprise birthday party.  (I was upset that she left us for the weekend, but we had Carlos to take care of us, and it was only two nights.)  So while she's in West Hartford having a good old time, reconnecting with old friends, she takes some time out to love on Sierra and Gus (the dogs), Peanut (the snake), and Arthur.  Mom came home and told us about how sweet and affectionate Arthur is.  Did she think we needed to hear that?  She told us how much he likes to be held (more than me or my brothers) as if we would take kindly to that information.  I haven't met Arthur, but just look at him.  He thinks he owns my mom!  See how tight he's gripping her, like he never wants her to leave?  And see how content he is that he's closed his eyes?  I don't know for sure, but I bet he was also purring like crazy.  I can just tell, the way he's all happy in the photo.

All right, I guess I'm going to forgive mom.  After all, she did come home to us, and she was very sweet with us last night.  She didn't say anything about seeing Arthur again.  In fact, she told me that he is very happy in his own home with Sherri and company.  I'm kind of jealous of him, I suppose.  I wish I had dogs and a snake.  Maybe I can talk mom into bringing home some pets other than more cats.  I really could use a break from my brothers!"

Friday, May 21, 2010

Willie's Latest Escapades

"Willie isn't done being silly.  I blogged about my goofy brother on 3/31/10 ('Silly Willie'), but he insists on giving me more blog fodder.  Just look at this picture.  That crazy boy took mom's sweatshirt, which was hanging on the back of a chair.  Most cats would be content spending a few minutes kneading the fabric and then curling up for a nap right on top.  Not my brother Willie.  He crawled INTO the sweatshirt and down the sleeve, and proceeded to get himself stuck.  Look at him, all "mummified" in the sleeve, and unable to move.  If mom hadn't found him, he would have had one heck of a time getting out of that sweatshirt.  First of all, Willie's body is a little bit more plump than that sleeve is wide, so he was in there snugly.  Good thing that it had some stretch to it.  Secondly, he would have had absolutely no leverage for backing out of the thing.  Of course, I just sat there laughing silently at the deeds of a true feline dunce! 

In that first post about Willie, I said he was new to running outside the apartment door.  Well, now he's a pro.  Unless he's sound asleep or in the litter box, Willie ALWAYS tries to get through the open door.  Mom knows this, so she does what she can to block him.  Her success rate is about 70%.  For a clumsy cat, Willie is amazingly fast.  He almost always runs down the hall and just keeps on going.  Mom doesn't bother to chase him, because he's faster than her.  Instead, she slowly follows him down the hall until he hits a dead end, then carries him home.  Willie likes being carried home and I believe this is part of the game for him.  Last night, Willie had a new experience.  Mom failed to block him as she left the apartment to do laundry.  He got out into the hall but didn't run far.  Mom was able to lure him into the laundry room, which is conveniently located just around the corner from our apartment.  Willie explored the laundry room, to include the narrow spaces behind the machines, while mom loaded the laundry and started the washers.  When she was done, she carried him back home.  He must have thought this little visit to the laundry room was emblematic of some newly earned freedom.  Afterward, he stood at the door for nearly ten minutes, watching for movement in the doorknob, and calling for mom to let him out.  Willie doesn't talk much, so the fact that he was begging to be let out was noted by all of us (and heeded by none).

What a character I have for a brother.  I know he thinks he's got all this testosterone flowing and he's the alpha male, in charge of the other cats in the pack, but I know better.  I humor him and let him believe these things.  I know that I am of superior intellect and common sense, and I take great pride in pointing out the frivolities of Silly Willie.  I hope you're laughing with me, and at him!"

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Another Kitty Litter Review

As you may know from the April 8, 2010 blog ("Make Mine Pine"), I've been using pine pellet litter for some time, and the cats and I really like it.  We alternate from Feline Pine and ExquisiCat Pine.  I just get whatever is on sale as they are very comparable in quality.  Well, I must have hit the local Petsmart at the wrong time because they were out of both kinds of pine pellets.  I didn't have time to go to another store, and I was completely out of litter at home, so I had to think quick.  I opted for ExquisiCat Paper litter.  It is made from recycled paper that is shaped into pellets about the same size as the pine pellets.  I was open-minded about this new choice, and figured that we wouldn't really notice the difference.  Boy, was I wrong.  Curry will tell you about it in her own words.

"What the heck was mom thinking?  She brought home this paper litter.  At first she mixed it in with our pine pellets, so we really couldn't tell the difference in its performance.  We did notice two things: that it was a dark, charcoal gray in color (what kind of recycled paper is charcoal gray?), and that it had an artificial fragrance.  There were more pine pellets in our boxes and just a few paper pellets, so this was fine.  Throughout the course of a week, our boxes went to being more paper and less pine.  As mom or I may have said before, the pine pellets dissolve when they get wet, creating a sort of sawdust.  Mom scoops out the sawdust and leaves the intact pellets in the boxes.  The odor evaporates as the sawdust dries, and the natural pine keeps things pretty fresh. 

Well!  Not so with the nasty paper pellets!  Once our boxes were completely full of the paper pellets, the artificial fragrance was overpowering.  We wondered why they needed to make the litter scented, as the pine pellets weren't artificially scented.  We soon found out!  These compressed paper pellets absorbed our cat pee and didn't dissolve.  They just held that urine in and stank like crazy!  Yuck!  And double yuck!  For the first time, our usually clean, non-urine-smelling apartment stank!  And it was hard for mom to know which pellets to scoop out, because they didn't dissolve or change shape at all.  The only cue was that they turned a slightly darker shade of charcoal gray.  Well, we made it known that we didn't like this situation.  We made a point of over-exaggerating our sniffing of the litter box area, and over-covering our 'stuff' in the boxes.  Mom got the point.  Actually, she didn't need much convincing, as she hated these pellets too.  So, mom stopped using this litter halfway through the bag and completely threw out the used paper pellets, replacing them with good old, fresh Feline Pine.  Ah, relief!"

Curry, Willie, Zorro, Grayson and I are very disappointed by the ExquisiCat Paper litter.  We really wanted to like it, but we also wanted to breathe air that didn't reek of cat pee.  I know that there are other brands of paper litter on the market, and I hope they are better.  If the store is out of pine, I may try one of the other paper versions.  But for now, I'm stocking up on pine pellets, because they really are good for the cats, good for the environment, and good for all of our noses.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Birthday to Curry Cat!

"It was my birthday yesterday.  I'm seven years old.  They tell me that's a lucky number, so I'll take it.  Actually, I don't care much about birthdays.  I'm a cat.  Every day is MY day.  But it seems that you humans like to commemorate these special 'milestones' in your lives, and also in ours.  So, I took the liberty to act very 'entitled' all day yesterday so mom would know that I knew that it was my birthday, and to encourage her to give me some special treatment.  Why not? 

So the day started with a can of cat food.  That is a special treat.  Usually we get dry food throughout the week and a can on Saturdays.  Well, this week we got our usual Saturday can and also a can for my birthday on Sunday.  That was a good start to the day.  My brothers were a little bit nicer to me than usual, so that was also good.  And in the evening mom gave me my gift from Christine.  It's a wooden tube with a mouse that hangs inside.  When the tube rolls, the mouse squeaks.  We all liked the squeaky sound and this kept our attention for a while.  But we weren't really sure why we were supposed to be entertained by the tube rolling around.  Don't get me wrong, it was a good gift and we spent lots of time checking it out, as you can see in the video above.  But we cats don't always play with things the way you humans expect us to. 

All in all, it was a pretty good birthday, with mom home for most of the day to pay attention to me.  Of course, mom had to capture the playtime in video.  Honestly, it's kind of a mundane video of us cats playing, but go ahead and take a look.  I posed for the camera on several occasions so you can see my beautiful blue eyes.  I had to make sure you knew that it was MY birthday!  If you are easily annoyed, you may want to put your speakers on mute, because mom insisted upon looping this annoying birthday song (Willie got the Beatles, and I get this??).  Well, listen to it once so you can hear what I mean, then go ahead and mute it.  Trust me, you'll want to.  So that's it for today...happy birthday to me!"

Friday, May 14, 2010

Cat Sitting Personalities - Volume 3

"Mom wants to use another one of my blogs to tell you about the cats she sits for.  I may as well let her, since she's almost done.  I have to say, some of the cats sound kind of interesting.  Now I know what mom is doing when she comes in smellling of other cats.  It has actually gotten to the point where I recognize the scents of the cats mom watches most often.  But when she watches a new cat, my brothers and I have to sniff her up and down to find out what she's been up to.  Without further ado, here are five more cats, and a ferret."

Buddy & Romeo:  I don't have the opportunity to watch these guys often, but they rank right up there among my favorites.  Buddy is a solid, short-haired beige tabby with the biggest heart in the world.  He is one of the best lap cats I have ever known, and he always looks at me with intelligent eyes.  I know there's something going on inside his head, and I know that I have earned his affection.  His littermate Romeo is aptly named.  With a tall, lean frame, an angular face, and a fine, but long-haired coat, Romeo is the epitome of handsomeness.  Romeo is beige and white, and very difficult to photograph because he just won't sit still for the camera.  I was lucky to get the shot above.  Romeo's a little more distant than his brother, but I've noticed over the course of watching these guys a few times, that Romeo trusts me more and more.  Buddy and Romeo have a cute routine when it comes to their feeding time.  When I'm opening their can of food in the kitchen, they stretch their front legs up onto the cabinets and ask for their food.  They're good boys though, and they don't jump onto the counter.

Milo & Otis: Milo and Otis are two very sweet boys.  Otis is the most outgoing and is such a lovebug.  As for Milo, I have had to earn his trust.  He's a little more cautious, but he's also a wonderful cat.  These two brothers enjoy playing with the Cat Dancer toy, but even more, I think they just love laying in the sun.  I don't mind simply looking at them because they are two of the most handsome specimens of feline masculinity that I have ever seen.

Casey: I have only watched Casey once and she is the newest cat in my "portfolio."  Casey doesn't know her name because her mom usually calls her "kitty" or other nicknames.  She's a pretty, young cat, and is very shy.  The first day I took care of her she hid under the bed and made it clear to me that she didn't appreciate my presence.  I devised a strategy for my second visit.  I brought a variety of dangly cat toys and a laser pointer with me.  I was successful in luring Casey out from under the bed.  We played with a a dangly fleece ribbon with feathers on the end, and we played with the Cat Dancer.  I was able to get shy, cautious Casey running around the living room in circles chasing the laser.  So, there's a lesson for those of you who think your cats don't like to play: you need to create some fun for them.  Who likes to play with an inanimate catnip mouse forever?  Cats like toys with motion, and most often with unpredictable motion.  You need to interact with them and make it into sport.  Experiment with a variety of interactive toys until you discover the one that makes your cat go wild!

Rain: I'm going to conclude with a blurb on Rain, who was not a cat, but was a ferret.  When my neighbor Deb saw my ad and called me about watching her ferret Rain, I was intrigued.  I'd never really interacted with a ferret, but I was excited about the opportunity, and I did some research in preparation for the job.  Rain had a very large, multi-level ferret cage that she slept in at night, but during the day she was free to explore the apartment.  She had lots of toys to play with, tunnels to crawl through, and lots of hiding places.  Ferrets like to hide objects, and hide themselves.  Rain was a petite ferret, and was very curious and smart.  Deb told me how she had been rescued from a dumpster as a "kit" and turned in to the Animal Welfare League of Arlington.  The AWLA doesn't often get ferrets, but they just happened to have Rain available for adoption the day that Deb went in looking for a ferret.  It was fate.  Deb and Rain had several great years together, and I had the opportunity to watch Rain a few times, before she was diagnosed with cancer.  Poor little Rain lost her fight with cancer a few months ago.  I know that she deeply touched Deb's life, and she touched mine too.

With this third cat sitting installment, I've covered most of the cats that I've watched in my building.  There are a few other cats I've watched only once, or who have moved away.  It's been a great learning experience for me, as I can see what products (food, litter, toys) other people use for their cats, observe different cat behaviors, and develop relationships with cats other than my own.  It's also interesting, as Curry mentioned, how my cats become accustomed to the scents of the cats I watch the most.  They really do know when I've been around "strange" animals.  This just confirms for me how smart and observant the feline species can be.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Shout Out for Curry's Canine Friends

"Hi Everyone.  It's Wednesday again.  I guess that means something to you humans, but to me it's just another day of being a cat.  The only special days for me are Saturday and Sunday because that's when I get to see more of my mom.  Also, when she's home sick.  Is it bad for me to want her to be home sick more often?  Hmm... 

This edition of my blog is a public service announcement for, of all things, dogs.  Yes, you heard me say it: I don't have a problem with dogs.  Of course, I don't get to be around them much at all.  When I go to the vet there are dogs, and I like to watch them, and I'm not scared when they come up to my carrier to sniff me.  However, I don't get to tease them and mess with their minds because, like I said, I'm stuck in the carrier.  I haven't convinced mom to let me out of the carrier in the vet's waiting room.  I don't know why she's worried, because it's the dogs that should be worried.  But anyway...

I don't have a preference as to the best or the worst dog breeds.  I know that dogs come in sizes that start smaller than me (like Yorkies and Chihuahuas), and range to much, much larger than me (like Great Danes and Newfoundlands).  Some of them even weigh more than small humans.  I guess the Boxer is somewhere in between, and that's the dog I'm talking about today.  My mom has a friend named Kristin who volunteers to help Boxers who need a home.  I support this effort, because if there hadn't been a cat adoption agency to take me in, and my mom hadn't fostered and then adopted me, you probably wouldn't be reading this blog.  Because I might be a stray cat, or I might be in a bad home, or worse, I might not be here at all.  It's very humbling to know that humans do a lot for us animals (even though we are superior to them).  By the way, the Boxers in the photo above are Cassius and Millie and they live with my mom's other friend Rachel.

So, if you have a place in your home, and your heart, to take in a Boxer who needs a temporary home, or a forever home, please call the folks at Adopt A Boxer Rescue at 877-570-0360.  They work all over the Northeast US.  I hear that right now there is a great need for foster and permanent homes in the Washington, DC metro area (specifically, Maryland).  If you can't take in a Boxer, maybe you know someone who can.  Or maybe you could make a donation.  In any case, please help us spread the word.

And of course, I hope you will also help out cats in need.  You don't need to go any farther than your local animal shelter to find a cat who needs your love.  You can also start at Petfinder.

There.  I've done my duty for my canine friends.  Please consider helping Adopt A Boxer Rescue and tell them Curry sent you."

Uh, folks, everything Curry said is right, but don't tell the kind folks at Adopt A Boxer Rescue that Curry sent you; they will have no idea who you're talking about.  Unless, of course, you share this blog with them!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Cat Sitting Personalities - Volume 2

"Just one day after Mothers Day, mom's gonna tell you more about some of the cats she sits for.  (As if my brothers and I don't count.)  When mom tells people she's a cat sitter, they sometimes think that she takes cats into our home.  No way!  She goes to their apartments once a day (or twice in special cases) and takes care of the cats in their own homes.  It is better for everyone this way.  For one thing, I would be mad if all sorts of strange cats kept coming over to visit us.  But also, the neighbor cats wouldn't like it either.  You see, we felines get very accustomed to our routines and our surroundings.  When you switch things up, we are NOT happy.  So, like I said, mom watches cats in their apartments, taking her precious time away from me and my brothers.  She will tell you about the next batch of cats that she watches."

Lucky & GloryBee: I haven't had the honor or watching these guys in a while, as their mom doesn't travel as much as she used to.  Lucky is a big, loving, black cat with a white spot on his neck.  I have a soft spot for him as my Thor had the same markings.  Lucky is one of the most social, friendly cats I know.  His sister GloryBee is also black, but with more white on her chest and paws.  She is long-haired and gorgeous, but is a little temperamental about being touched.  It's hard to resist stroking her silky coat, but I've learned to proceed with caution.  GloryBee is okay with the attention, up to a point.  If you stop before that point, you'll be fine, but if you keep going, she'll stop you with a swat or a bite.  Lucky and GloryBee are so different in personality!

Socks & Posh: Posh is another cat with a little attitude.  She's got a pretty gray coat and lemon yellow eyes.  She doesn't love it when I visit, or at least that's the impression I get.  She will initially greet me but then she maintains her distance and hisses if I try to get close to her against her will.  Socks, on the other hand, is very friendly with me.  He always greets me and follows me around.  He'll roll over and let me rub his belly.  Socks is a black cat with a white chest and white socks (of course).  Interestingly, my neighbor Carlos has also watched Socks and Posh and he says their reactions to him are the opposite, with Posh being friendly and Socks being more reserved.

Abigail & Voughn: These two recently moved out of the building with their human mom and dad.  I hear that they also now have a dog for a roommate, and I hope that's going well for them.  Abigail is a sleek, black cat who was always a little shy, but friendly.  She needed medicine twice a day, so I would give her the pill in a Pill Pocket.  (Here's a tip for those of you who need to give pills to cats: put it in a Pill Pocket, a cat treat with a hole in the middle for the pill.  Not all cats will eat it, but I've seen several who do.  My own cats would eat the treat around the pill and leave the pill.)  Voughn is a male Himalayan with the characteristic flattened face and long, tan coat with dark brown "points."  Like his sister, he was often shy with me, but a few times I got him playing with a dangly cat toy, and he definitely has some hunting instincts!  I wish Abigail and Voughn, and their folks (and dog) all the best in their new home.

Luna: Luna is a pretty girl with a long, mostly gray coat, with some spots of tan and white.  The first time I met her, her mom said she was shy and probably wouldn't come out when I stopped by.  On my first day watching her, she hid under the bed, but I coaxed her out with her favorite toy and her dinner.  Since that day, Luna has been extremely outgoing with me.  She greets me at the door and wants lots of love and attention.  She's only shy with me when her folks are home, so now I know it's just an act.  Luna's mom got a blue betta fish (named Red) a few months ago, and I'm told that she takes absolutely no interest in Red, so his bowl sits right out in the open.  I'm impressed by Luna's self-control; I know that my cats would be after Red!

More cats to come in a future blog.  If I watch your cat and he or she has not been mentioned, just wait for the third edition of the Cat Sitting Personalities blog.  Of course, with Curry's permission.

Friday, May 7, 2010

We are Siamese, if You Please

Curry's second interview pays homage to her Siamese heritage.  She interviewed my friend Christine, whose mother hails from Thailand.  That's Christine in the photo with Curry, who involved herself in our travel planning one afternoon.
Curry: Hey Cuz, don't we look great in our photo?  We may not be related by blood, but we share a common Siamese heritage. Of course, today we call the old country Thailand. (And the people are Thai but we cats are still called Siamese…I don’t get it, but I digress…) Anyway, I thought you would be the best source I know to help me understand my heritage. Not to mention, you are one of the coolest humans I know. Let's begin.

Christine:  First I’d like to thank you for the interview. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog the past few weeks, it’s great to have the opportunity to hear a sophisticated and intelligent feline’s take on life!

Curry:  Aww, thanks.  So, here we go.  What is the best thing about being Thai/Siamese?

Christine:  My favorite thing about being Thai is being able to travel around Thailand with my Thai family. I feel like I get a backstage pass and get to see the “real Thailand” that most tourists don’t get to see. However, practically no one there believes that I’m half-Thai!  My features are more Anglo-Saxon, so Thais generally think I’m a “farang” (Thai word for a westerner).  It also doesn’t help that I’m not fluent in Thai.

I also like that I grew up eating Thai food every day. While my friends were eating hot dogs and pizza, I ate scrumptious penang curry and noodles!

Lastly, I like that it rings true when my sisters and I sing “we are Siamese if you please”.

Curry:  You have been to our ancestral country.  What was it like?

Christine:  Every time that I visit our motherland, I spend the majority of the time in my family’s small village in the sparsely populated Northeast region of Loei. Life is much slower there than where I live (Washington, DC).  I find that the slower pace enables me to enjoy things more; the foods, my family, and the landscapes are greatly appreciated while I’m in the village. It also makes me grateful for all that I have back home. There are many amenities that I have back home that I take for granted (warm running water, internet, cell phone service, coffee shops on every corner) that I missed while I was there.

I have traveled throughout most of Thailand. It’s truly a beautiful country. Most people that I encountered were very warm and friendly (Thailand is often referred to as the “land of smiles”). There are magnificent Buddhist temples (Thailand is more than 90% Buddhist) scattered throughout the country. And there are stunning landscapes; breathtaking mountains in the north and in the south there are some of the world’s most picturesque beaches. I have yet to visit the amazing beaches that Thailand has to offer, they are on my list for the next time that I go to Thailand!

Curry:  It sounds like an amazing country.  Do you know of any ancient Siamese traditions that have made it into the modern Thai culture?

Christine:  The wai is a traditional greeting and sign of respect that was used in both ancient Siam and modern-day Thailand. The wai is performed by pressing your palms together near your chest while slightly bowing. When greeting one another, Thais will give a wai, instead of shaking hands or hugging, while saying “sa-wat-dee” (the all-purpose Thai salutation that means “good morning”, “good evening”, “hello”, “goodbye”, etc).

Curry:  What is Thai family life like?

Christine:  In general, I find that family life in Thailand is more closely knit than here in the States. In Thailand, it is not uncommon for multiple generations to live together. For example, my grandmother lives with my aunts, cousins and my cousins’ children. It is uncommon for young adults to go to college far away from home or to not return home after finishing college.  It is also uncommon for a female to leave her family’s home until she is married. Also, as much emphasis is placed on respecting their elders, children are raised to always honor their parents and show gratitude for what they receive.  Here is a picture of my family in Thailand. 

Curry:  How do they treat cats in Thailand?  Would I be welcomed?

Christine:  I don’t recall seeing many cats while I was in Thailand. Most of my family has dogs as pets; I don’t think anyone in my family has a cat (except me). Though, as you know, some of the most beautiful and regal cat breeds originated in Thailand (i.e., Siamese and Korat). Since your ancestors are from ancient Thailand, I’m sure you’d be welcomed there!  Thailand is also the home to some really big cats, such as tigers. Unfortunately, there is controversy over the treatment of tigers at the Tiger Temple in Kanchanaburi and other touristy locations that exploit tigers.

Curry:  I am in awe of tigers and other big cats.  They are my idols and I don’t understand how humans could possibly mistreat them.  If my mom goes to Thailand someday, what #1 thing would you recommend for her to see or do?

Christine:  Go see the “monkey temple” in Lopburi, feed a monkey sugar cane and then come visit me and my family for a traditional Thai meal in their village in Loei.  

Curry:  What is your favorite Thai food, and do you think there are any good Thai dishes for cats? (Be careful here…you know I was named after Thai curry.)

Christine:  My most favorite Thai food is sticky rice. You take the sticky rice in your hands and roll into a ball, dip into sauce (a peanut sauce, soy sauce or fish sauce) and wrap it with lettuce. I love sticky rice with larb gai (a spicy dish with ground chicken, lime juice, mint with other spices). I also love pad see eew (wide rice noodles with egg, Chinese broccoli and sweet soy sauce). And yes, the curries are delicious; I particularly love Thai red curry. I can go on and on about Thai food, it’s so tasty!  This is a photo of my uncles enjoying a meal. 

Curry:  On another topic, I hear in the news that there is some political violence in Thailand right now, and some of my readers may not understand what is going on there.  Do you have any thoughts on the issue?

Christine:  Here's a brief explanation of what's going on in Thailand right now: for nearly two months the red shirts (Thais from poorer and rural areas mostly of the north) have been protesting in Bangkok for the resignation of the Prime Minister Abhist because they claim his government is illegitimate. The prime minister recently announced that there will be an election in November of this year (Abhisit's term was to expire at the end of 2011). The problem is, if the red shirts get their way and a red shirt aligned government is elected, the pro-Abhist yellow shirts (the group that seized Bangkok airports to protest Prime Minster Thaksin) may then take to the streets and protest in place of the red shirts. Thus, creating another cycle of protests followed by more counter protests.

Curry:  That is so sad.  I hate it when humans fight as their reasons for fighting don’t make much sense to me.  I hope things settle down soon so that more people don’t get hurt.  Speaking of humans, I find that I’m often bored by stupid people (and stupid cats).  Is that a genetic trait?  Do you also have a low tolerance for stupidity?

Christine:  I find that I’m much less annoyed if the person at least makes an effort to figure something out. But I suppose that addresses ignorance, not stupidity. I do have a low tolerance for stupidity; when a person possesses the necessary knowledge but acts in a way that contradicts logic.  I also have a very low tolerance for cultural and ethnic ignorance. I think there are environments that are breeding grounds for these types of ignorance, which is very unfortunate. There may some cases when the person just doesn’t “know better” because of his/her environment. However, I think those cases are rare since today’s technologies foster cultural awareness in even the most remote areas of our country.

Curry:  I completely agree.  Now, let’s lighten things up a bit.  For fun, I like to play mind games with my brothers.  I also like my Dr. Seuss toys and helping my mom on the computer.  What do you like to do for fun?

Christine:  It depends on how much time I have. If I have an hour or two of free time, I’ll likely read a book and drink a glass of wine. Or I’ll have dinner (and wine) with friends. If I have an entire day to spare, you’ll most likely find me out of town (drinking wine and eating). I love to escape DC whenever I have a chance. Traveling is my fondest hobby. It doesn’t really matter where I’m going; I find it rejuvenating to be in a different environment. It’s an opportunity to refresh and clear my mind so I can get back into the groove when I return to work and school. Oh, and I love wine and good food.

Curry:  I see a common theme here (wine).  No wonder you and my mom get along so well.  That, and you both love us felines.  So, tell me about your cats.

Christine:  I have two cats, Dali and Puma. Dali is named after Salvador Dali; I named her this because the colors on her face blend together (beige on one side, gray on the other) like a Dali painting. She’s a very gentle and loving cat. She’s a bit skittish at times, but she’s very affectionate. You can generally find her snuggling with me on the couch or sleeping on the foot of my bed.

Puma is Dali’s littermate. Like Dali, she is a gray/tortoise mix and adorable. She’s playful and very social. She’s a lap cat and is almost always lying either on me or near me whenever I’m home. Most mornings, the first thing I see when I awake is her fluffy face looking back at me (she sleeps on my chest while I’m sleeping). I have no complaints about that, but as your mom knows, it is hard to get going in the morning when there’s an adorable fluffy cat lying on you!  Here is a photo of Dali and Puma as kittens and a recent photo now that they are adults.

Something unique about Dali and Puma: they love to take showers. They don’t just sit on the edge of the tub like many cats do; they actually jump into the shower while the water is running. It surprised me the first time they did it, but now it’s a common occurrence and I round them up in the bathroom whenever I’m about to take a shower. 

Curry:  I fall into the category of cats who like to sit on the edge of the tub.  I can’t believe Dali and Puma like to get wet, but that’s their choice.  Please complete the statement: “Cats are better than humans because....."

Christine:  They have four legs, not two.

Curry:  That’s definitely true.  I don’t know how you humans walk on only two legs.  By the way, you are also missing a tail.  Well, thanks for your time, Cousin Christine!  It was a pleasure interviewing you for my blog. 

Christine:  Thank you, Curry! The pleasure was all mine.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wacko Human "Marries" his Cat

"I am all for love.  I am definitely for having love in your heart for members of another species.  After all, I love my mom very much and I know she loves me.  I have great affection for other humans as well.  And I think I could even love a dog as long as it knew that I was boss.  But I definitely think a certain man in Germany is way off base in "marrying" his cat.  If you haven't seen this news story click here.  I'll sum it up for you in the meantime.  German mailman (human) is sad about his dear Cecilia's (feline) poor health and wants to marry her before she dies.  He pays someone to officiate the fake wedding.  He dresses himself in a tux, and Cecilia in a white dress, for the nuptials.  He even has wedding guests.  It's just a farce, of course, because a human marrying a cat is illegal where he comes from.  Yeah, it's illegal because it's absurd!

I have my opinions, but usually I don't like to get into touchy issues in my blog.  In this case I'll make an exception.  I don't care if I alienate any of my readers, because if you disagree with me on this, then I'm not sure that we could be friends.  The bottom line is: cats and humans are not romantic partners!  As much as I could love a human, I would never, ever want to marry one!  And any human in their right mind would not want to marry me either!  It's just not kosher.  Not at all.  I feel sorry for Cecilia, being forced to marry against her will (it most certainly has to be against her will).  I also feel sorry for the mailman who obviously has a German screw loose. Sheesh.

This story brings me to another point.  Cats shouldn't even marry other cats.  Marriage is a human convention and is best done human to human (and I'll tell that to the wacky lady who thinks she married the Eiffel Tower).  You humans have your reasons for marriage, and I respect that.  I don't tell you which other humans you should or should not wed, and I'll expect you to respect my desire to remain unwed.  We cats don't need to conform to the human rituals that you so love.  We're fine just as we are, thank you very much.  But, we do love you."

Monday, May 3, 2010

Cats are Supposed to be Nocturnal

"I think my brothers are in cahoots to keep my mom home from work.  Not only that, but to keep her from even getting out of bed.  Historically, we cats have been good nocturnal kids, choosing to be playful, snuggly, warm and happy in the evening.  This always worked out well because mom is a night owl too.  She's usually up late, so she can appreciate that we are also up late and are affectionate in the evenings.  Well, Willie and Grayson are changing the game.  (Grayson even does this thing where he ousts me from my corner of the bed, only to claim it, then leave five minutes later.)  Instead, the boys like to be social first thing in the morning.  There is a problem with this: first thing in the morning, most days, mom needs to get up and get ready for work.  She can't just stay in bed because the boys are being cute.  I know this, so I don't tempt her with my beauty and intelligence before work (see above: that's a picture of me being cute at night).

How do I get my brothers to get with the program?  They need to stop making mom snooze the alarm just so she can have a few extra minutes with them.  Today I overheard her say: 'It's really hard to get out of bed in the morning to begin with, let alone when 12 lbs of warm orange tabby is snuggled up to me...or when a gray kitten wants to be playful...or when a big black & white cat is serving as my foot warmer.  Curry...she loves me too, but she's not the one being such a morning cat.  She's more of a bedtime cat.'  At least mom recognizes that I'm not the problem.

So, this goes out to Zorro, Willie and Grayson (especially the latter two, who think they're being so cute in this photo): Cats are not 'morning people.'  Be affectionate and playful at night; don't tempt mom to snooze in the morning.  In fact, you dumb boys need to help me wake her up and beg for breakfast so she can roll out of bed and get moving.  If you make her miss work, don't cry when there's no paycheck to cover your kibble or support your catnip habit.  I swear, what is it with brothers?  They can be so dense."

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cat Sitting Personalities - Volume 1

"Mom does some cat sitting in our apartment building.  I sure don't know why she would want to do this.  First of all, she isn't home nearly enough for our liking as it is.  Secondly, why would she need to hang out with other cats?  My brothers and I are all the cats she needs!  Still, she insists on cat sitting because she likes to help out our neighbors who travel, plus she says it provides a little extra spending money (I have yet to see that extra money translated into cat toys or treats).  OK, so I've heard about mom's cat sitting stories and I've decided that they only add to my feline education.  Knowing what other cats do certainly confirms to me that I am doing just fine myself.  I'll just let mom tell you about some of these cats in her own words."

Amber & Frankie: Amber was one of the first cats I got to watch.  She's a petite, young calico who goes absolutely wild chasing her laser pointer.  Amber got a new brother, Frankie, about a year ago.  He's an adorable black & white cat and loves the laser pointer just as much as his big sister, but it wasn't always that way.  Apparently chasing the laser pointer is a learned skill.  Until Frankie got the hang of it, he would chase Amber instead of the laser!  Frankie was rescued from a very bad home as a tiny kitten.  His so-called owner allowed the mother cat to raise the kittens in a broken down minivan full of trash.  He is so lucky to have a great home and Amber, I think, has accepted her little brother by now.

Madison & Bailey: Madison is a sweet, gray cat with a white chest and very, very soft fur.  She loves to play with a long, fleece ribbon on a stick.  Her little sister Bailey has a place near and dear to my heart - she is Grayson's littermate!  I actually got to foster Bailey for a couple weeks before she moved in with Madison.  It's interesting to see the two kittens grow up in different homes.  They have different personalities and different looks (Bailey is a gray/tan/black tabby, whereas Grayson is...gray), but there are also interesting similarities.  Bailey and Grayson have the exact same posture when they pounce on something, they both like to have their tummies rubbed, and they both get on their older siblings' nerves at times!  Madison has taken Bailey's arrival in stride.  She seems to accept her more and more each time I see them.

Gabby & Lucas: Are you noticing that many of the cats come in pairs?  Solitary as they are, cats do like to have company.  Gabby is a smart tabby with a white chest.  She is very affectionate with her human mom, but a little more reserved with me.  I've been successful in getting her to play with toys like Cat Dancer, or other interactive toys.  Lucas came along to keep Gabby company, and I think it works.  They seem to get along very well.  Lucas is a very tall/long tabby.  He must have some kind of wild cat genes in him, because he really is BIG!  Not fat, but big.  And his heart is as big as he is.  Lucas loves to be social and be held.  He's such a big sweetheart, and I'm glad that he and Gabby have each other.

Nala: Wow.  I've only watched Nala once, but she was so memorable!  She's still a kitten, younger than my Grayson, and she's small for her age.  She is a rare female orange tabby (most orange tabbies are male) and she has an incredible skill.  Nala plays fetch!  If you throw a little foam ball, she will chase it and bring it back to you.  She didn't seem to tire of this as I threw the ball over, and over, and over.  I tried forever to get a photo of her fetching, but it was impossible to get a decent shot with her running back to me so fast.  Nala is such a unique cat.  Her looks and her talent put her in a very special class, and I hope I get to watch her again.

That's all for today.  If you are one of my cat clients and your baby is not mentioned here, you'll need to come back for a future blog.  There are so many great cats in my building, and I can't do them all justice in a single blog.  Rest assured, I'll do another cat sitting post (if Curry lets me).